Rate plan

If you unlock, the fee will be charged until the return is completed.
You can also change the rate plan from the app after membership registration.

  • * The bicycle cannot be returned outside a Bike Station.
  • * Extension fees are charged while the bicycle is parked outside a Bike Station.

Price is tax included.

You can select a plan when you register as a member.
* Change of plan is also possible.

One time memberWant to try it?

220 yen

Basic fees
First 30 minutes
Extended Fee
(More than 30 min)
220yen/30 min


Credit card

1-day pass(With IC card)

1,650 yen

Basic fees
First 30 minutes

You can borrow easily with a dedicated card. Please click here for sales contact information. *2


1-day pass(コンビニ/WEB購入)

1,650 yen

Basic fees
First 30 minutes

Unlimited rides until 23:59 on the same day.
Fees are charged per day of use.


  • ※11回のご利用が30分00秒を超えた場合は延長料金220円がかかります。1回のご利用で延長料金は最大2,200円となります。
  • * 2The service hours are from the start of use until 23:59 on the day of use.
    The following are required at the sales counter
    (1) Cell phone that can be used to contact the applicant (2) Photo identification (e.g., driver's license)

Time period for use

This is a 24-hour service. Some cycle ports may be idle.

Please check the port map in the application for details.

Cautionary notes

■ 1-day pass
Since 1 day pass can be used any number of times until 23:59 on the day of purchase, please return it to the cycle port once if you can not use the bicycle for a long time.
■ Parking
When parking, please use Cycle Port, please use the parking facilities of the visiting destination. If the bicycle is removed as an illegal bicycle without stopping at the cycle port or the bicycle parking lot, it is necessary for the customer to take over at the burden of the customer.