Act on Specified Commercial Transactions
Name of Business | DOCOMO BIKESHARE, INC. |
Address | NTT Toranomon Bldg. 6F, 3-8-8 Minato-ku, Tokyo |
CEO | Masanori Takeoka |
Website | |
TEL | 0570-783-677 |
User fees & other required fees | Indicated on User Fees & Times page |
Time of Delivery | Member's page and bicycles are available immediately after the completion of registration. |
Method and timing of payment | Basic plan: The total of user fees for the month of use is calculated and charged to the registered credit card. The invoice date varies with the credit card issuer. 1-day pass: User fees for the day are paid in advance at a manned sales outlet or unmanned kiosk. |
Conditions of cancelation or withdrawal | Please check the terms of service. |